November 9, 2017

What We Do

As home stylists and stagers, we work with realtors, builders and investors, and individual home owners in optimizing a home’s visual appearance to increase the probability of a fast sale and the highest possible selling price. 

Sometimes that means furnishing and decorating a vacant home to make it seem comfortable and inviting because a vacant home can often feel stark, cold and uninspiring.  With strategic staging, we paint the picture of a lifestyle a buyer can look forward to enjoying in the home. We use advanced staging techniques to help lead the buyer through the thought process of living in the home in their mind – if we can get them to do that, an offer will follow.  We help the buyer visualize themselves in the home and help them to emotionally connect with the home – because that is what leads to offers.

In instances where homes are lived in and furnished, we can often give the home significantly more visual punch by strategically rearranging what is there (furniture and accessories), removing some items, and/or sometimes bringing in a few special “wow factor” items to illicit a powerfully positive emotional reaction from prospective buyers – and that’s what brings offers. 

With some occupied homes, we only need to come in to do some photo styling before the listing photo shoot. How a home looks to you in person and how it looks when viewed through the lens of the camera are often 2 different things.  Today’s home buyer is viewing listing photos online long before they decide whether they will bother viewing a home in person. This is why getting the listing photos just right is key to a successful sale. We have expertise is styling spaces so that they “talk to the camera” so that you end up with listing photos that attract more showings. From there it becomes a numbers game – the more prospects you can get through the door, the faster you get to a sale

As experts in  Winnipeg Home Staging, our role is to dress up your home to enhance its appeal, in the same way (and for the same reasons) that home builders invest in furnishing and accessorizing their display homes. Smart realtors and sellers take a cue from what the builders do – builders have a lot riding on selling the homes they build, and they understand that making a home look “show home perfect” through the right choice and placement of the right furniture and accessories, is what it takes to generate strong buyer interest in a home and command the highest prices with the maximum profit.

As home stagers and stylists, we understand that once your home hits the market, it becomes a “product”, and as with any product, if its going to sell well, it needs the right “packaging” and “visual merchandising” to spark that emotional reaction in prospective buyers that brings in strong offers. 

With our very affordable fees, you can’t afford not to have us style or stage your home. Carrying costs for a home you need to sell can add up quickly if the property doesn’t move. Our services cost less than the money you will lose on your first price drop if your house fails to press buyer’s buttons in this competitive market and your listing starts growing stale!  Remember, many of the comps (other houses on the market which are also likely to be of interest to those viewing your home) your buyers will be looking at will be staged, so if your home is not, you’ve given your competition has a definite advantage.  Put the power of our strategic home styling or staging services to work for you.  Call us at 204-390-8979.