Winnipeg Home Staging Experts

Why are The Home Stylists Known as Winnipeg’s Home Staging Experts?

The Winnipeg Sun called the Home Stylists “Winnipeg’s Home Staging Experts” in an article they interviewed us for in 2022. 

Their choice of words for us was very flattering, but upon reflection we also realized the title was, in fact, well earned. 

After The Winnipeg Sun published that headline – Winnipeg’s Home Staging Experts – referring to us, it was a relevant and logical choice for us to use that same phrase as the headline for some of our high visibility advertisements.

As tends to happen a little too frequently for us, after we began using that phrase in our advertising and on our website, a copycat competitor began referring to themselves by that phrase. 

My momma used to tell me that imitation is the highest form of flattery, LOL.

But it would be preferable if certain competitors who think of themselves as “creatives” would actually be creative and not copy our advertising copy, headlines, and catch phrases (as they do far too frequently). 

I mean, if you’re “creative”, then go “create” – don’t copy. Right?

Kind of ironic really.


The Winnipeg Sun Calls The Home Stylists “Winnipeg’s Home Staging Experts”

Here is why the Winnipeg Sun called us Winnipeg’s Home Staging Experts…

  •  Have been in the home staging industry since 2011, which makes us among the most highly experienced home staging companies in Winnipeg
  • A solid university level educational background in interior design, marketing and behavioral science, with 20 plus years of real world experience and expertise in those fields, AND a 30 year background as real estate investors. and qualification as home stagers
  • And, well I guess, if certain other Winnipeg home stagers feel the need to copy us, we must be experts! They follow, we lead!  Who do you want staging your home – the leader… or the followers?  Looking for Home Staging in Winnipeg and Surrounding Area?  Call Winnipeg Home Staging Experts!  204-390-8979
    Seriously, we’d love to chat with you
    As for our copy-cat competitors, its great being a source of inspiration for you, but c’mon!  Being in this business requires more creativity than that. Run your own race, walk your own walk. Its just not authentic for anyone claiming to be in the business of creativity to be an imitator. You be you.